A Rainy Night in Osaka Japan

A Moment Back to Osaka

Last year, on this day, I was meandering the streets of a wet Osaka, Japan. We had just walked though a rainstorm from the train station and I spied Japanese fashion footwear from below my umbrella as we crossed street after street. Concrete behemoths displaying high end wares flanked our journey to Dotonbori. Once we arrived at the busy district, the crowds, lighting, and late city atmosphere stuck to my skin. The murmur of Japanese being spoken by thousands of voices at once mixed with the slushy sounds of the river ferries surrounding me.. it was an experience I can’t forget.

Jeremy and I are talking about how we can make it back to those streets in the future. Two weeks felt like it would be a long time, but honestly, in a place like Japan it feels like an offense to have such little time to absorb all the things the country offers to a traveller.  I think of it over and over. Time is passing and Japan is calling me, from inside my own head.



Since my last post, an awful lot has happened. Instead of talking about the cousins trip on my itinerary, I am talking about a global pandemic! In about 2 months the markets have tanked, unemployment has skyrocketed. Major industries have come to a screeching halt. I have been furloughed from my job for what looks like at least 2 months, so I am navigating some new waters myself.  I wanted to write down a few things about how we are handling this, how past decisions are impacting our current days, and what we hope is the outcome.

There are two lifestyle habits that I think really set us up to handle this turn in events due to COVID-19.

  • Setting up at least one year’s worth of living expenses as an emergency fund in case things like this happened. I remember having conversations with people about how it’s smarter to invest that money rather than save at my age, but being moderate and investing some and saving a year’s expenses has made this transition considerably less stressful. I have Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You To Be Rich for this. Money wasn’t really a topic we comfortably spoke about in my family growing up. My parents made sure we were taken care of and that was the extent of our money conversations during my childhood. Arriving in my early twenties with a financial blank slate had me searching for mentors and methods to live my financial life by, and a combination the idea of not being in debt to others wherever possible and Ramit’s book on growing our income helped me reach these goals.  Essentially
    • Carry no debt whenever possible, with the exception of housing ( and even then, housing well well within your means and payments fully covered by emergency funds for at least a year ).
    • Do not have more expenditures than a single income can cover, no matter how many incomes live in the household.
    • First give to community, then put aside an emergency fund, then submit a percentage of all income to investments, and only then live off the remainder.
    • Generate a second income stream using a secondary skill you develop.
  • I decided to prioritize postive, respectful relationships and cut out self-centered ones.  A few years ago, I hear a friend say ‘Empathy without boundaries is self destruction’. It really hit home. I gave some people a pass because they always had some excuse or another for their shitty behavior. I changed my mind about that and I learned to never excuse toxic behavior, regardless of the underlying reasons (mental health, illness, past abuse). I learned to value myself enough that those are never reasons anyone can ever have to abuse or misuse me. It led me to cut out certain relationships and put some distance in others, and with my newfound mental and emotional space, I was able to invest in the wonderful, kind, thoughtful, positive people that would actually be there for me. It’s not that these people didn’t have problems, or never suffered abuse, or didn’t have mental health issues. These were people who had dealt with all these things, but had chosen to respond to those things with a growth mindset. They didn’t let those things turn them into abusers. Knowing that I wanted to be surrounded by survivors who chose to do better, I made some decisions. I removed people who did not value our relationship but valued what they could get out of me for themselves.  I removed people whose mood was an excuse for abuse.  After I had what I called “relationship layoffs”, I found it easier to take all that energy and invest in kind, empathetic people. In return, they were respectful, expressed gratitude, and appreciated what I did for them. I was able to make a positive difference.  Now, during this isolation period, those same people are reaching out and caring for me.  Benefits include sending books, phone calls, sending recipes, encouraging my healthy activities, remote movie nights, genuine interest in me as a person and my state of being.  Best part is that I have the opportunity to do the same. Its filling a huge space in my heart and life right now and I want to thank my past self for changing course!  It took a while to believe this: I deserve a community that gives back to me too.

Here are the habits I’m building in the middle of Isolation:

  • Take medical authority seriously. I am not going anywhere at all except to get groceries. I am wearing a mask and carrying disinfectant wipes for my hands and surfaces I touch.  We get enough food that groceries are a 2-3 week activity. I have chosen not to have a giant head and assume I know better than everyone. I’m approaching this situation with curiosity for the truth and consideration for my fellow man.
  • Not watching 2000 hours of TV. In fact I in the last 4 weeks, I’ve seen 10 hours of television total. Seven of those hours were Tiger King, but since then I’ve written off watching shows about stupid people making selfish decisions.
  • Moving. I am taking long walks in the evenings away from others and using my workout equipment at home. Asking for a full weight set, bench, and padded space for Christmas was the best decision I think I’ve made this year.
  • Learning, training, doing! There are going to be few times in my career that I will have 40 – 60 solid hours a week to dedicate to sharpening my craft. I am so excited about using this time to learn more things for my career.
  • Making social activity a priority. I’m calling family and friends. I’m sending fun letters to cheer up people I care about. I’m attending remote Netflix nights where we make fun of terrible pandemic movies.  Animal Crossing has been on my switch giving me lots to do in my downtime.
  • Cooking!! We are cooking together and producing some nice dishes. I am proud of us, and it’s something we can look forward to.
  • Reading. I have a set of books to settle into at night. It eases my tension to escape into another world for a while.
  • Not panicking about my job situation. The reason for having emergency funds and a conservative lifestyle is so I’m not a slave to the job hunt. I hope to find myself back at Macy’s eventually since I enjoy their culture. If that doesn’t happen, I want to find good opportunities not any opportunities. I’ve been talking to recruiters and assessing the Atlanta area job market but I am not jumping into anything right now.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! So far I am grateful my family and my friends have not been infected with COVID-19. Fingers crossed it stays this way until we are on the way out of the woods. There’s also a lot of people who do not have the safety nets I had the opportunity to build. I’ve been looking for ways to support our community and I keep coming back to Nicholas House. The biggest benefit of a financial way of life that I’ve listed is that it allows for supporting the community during rough times.  Please consider donating to Nicholas House in Grant Park, Atlanta. They are a very successful program that gets people out of homelessness permanently with an amazing success rate. They address a lot of the underlying issues contributing to homelessness and they are outcome centered!
For every $20 donated to Nicholas House, I will send you a matted print of one of my works – just shoot me an e-mail with the receipt. :)


Orchid Daze 2020

We bought a membership to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens for 2020!  Jeremy and I went with Nancy and Bee to check out the annual orchid extravaganaza they put on.  Orchids from all over of all types are on display – providing me with many photo opportunities!! The other parts of the garden are also growing some pretty early year varieties of bulbs. Carpets of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies and other bulbs are all over the garden.

The orchids they chose to display framed loads of bromeliads too. It was just color, color, color!

As usual, the garden had plenty to see and a few new species to learn about. I love the mostly green flora as well -  they have a classic, darker feel to them I really appreciate. My favorite is the pitcher plant! Low to the ground or hanging from a host tree – it’s unassuming but deadly ( to a few small creatures ).  The edible garden was growing as well – the cabbages were beautiful and I really wanted to plant the dusty purple variety in my own garden someday. Maybe this fall/winter!

Flowers and plants in general always make me appreciate life. They’re beautiful, robust, and often grow and make it work wherever they can. I can appreciate that attitude. :)


Drone over Hawaii

I’ve had my Mavic Pro for almost 2 years now –  but I’ve been reluctant to take it out and really give it a spin. This is partially because I sent it careening into some underbrush in the North Georgia Mountains about 3 months after I had gotten it and lost all my confidence. This time, I promised myself I would get over the fear of losing my drone and just see what I can manage. I am so glad I did. I enjoyed flying my Mavic over the Hawaiian Coastline, and even inland.

Here’s an overhead view of the Maui Coastline – near Makena.


There’s a couple of specks in that picture that are myself and my husband.

I really got into my element in O’ahu.  Here’s a view of Waikiki, and a few of its coastal features shot from near the marina.





I was able to capture crews heading out to the sea and palm shadows towards sunset.

Sunset was my favorite time to drone – the interesting shadows and lighting and the eventual show of the sun setting is so thrilling.

The North Shore of O’ahu was also thrilling to get some aerial footage because the waves were so active, huge, and the top-down view was just so beautiful.



I’m going to do a ton more flying in the future!!


Snow in Atlanta

It’s very rare to get snow in Atlanta – the last time was in December of 2017 – so when it began to snow in huge fluffy flakes yesterday morning, most of us were pretty excited. We had blackout curtains and were snoring away so I’m thankful for my friend Pam who messaged me so I didn’t miss the snowfall.

We had a blast, obviously.   It was really nice to see the snow over everything.


Traveling Companion

What Makes a Good Traveling Companion?

As someone who is passionate about travel, I’ve leaped into trips for any reason! But — sometimes it’s good to think about who you want to travel with and their different travel styles. There are all types of travel styles! After many trips with an assortment of people, I’ve identified a few.

The Early Bird

If the sun rises, they rise. Even if it’s 5:30am. They are early morning energy and are ready to get going! If you haven’t been inside of a breakfast joint right at opening, well now you’re going to. Early birds can get frustrated if their travel companion(s) plan on wasting the morning being asleep instead of seizing the day.

Pros: Early birds enjoy their morning destinations with smaller crowds, better service, and beautiful lighting for photography.
Cons: Early to rise usually means early to bed. Early birds are usually not interested in nightlife as much as they’re interested in being in bed at 9:30pm
Frenemy: The Night Owl

The Schedule Packer

No matter when this traveler rises, the minutes count. They’ve meticulously planned their day and have a laundry list of checkboxes that need checking! Traveling with a schedule packer means you. will. not. miss. anything at your destination. The one thing you might miss is the ‘rest and relaxation’ part of your vacation. The schedule packer is getting the most they can out of their trip – and down time isn’t on the docket.

Pros: You can’t have FOMO if you do everything.
Cons: You’re going to need a vacation from your vacation.
Frenemy: The Meanderer

The Big Spender

This person believes in making the most of their trip – and a budget is a limitation they’re not fond of. Expensive hotels,  higher end rental cars, intimate excursions, and fine dining often stud this person’s travel itinerary. They may be a penny pincher the rest of the year but when it comes to travel, they are not looking to cut corners.

Pros: Fun transport, very comfortable accommodations, and memorable food and experiences.
Cons: Unless you’re rolling in it, this can put a budget damper on other travel plans for the year. Your vacation may become a financial stress.
Frenemy: The Budgeter

The Night Owl

This person’s day starts after they’ve had a great night’s sleep that extends well into the morning. Traveling with them means your meals are lunch, dinner, and midnight diner meal. They are nightlife lovers and come alive when dusk settles. Are you feeling groggy around 9pm? They’re just getting started.

Pros: Experience the nightlife of places you visit. Enjoy the Late night eats of a destination – often it’s own culture.
Cons: Have to battle crowds for daytime events and locations.
Frenemy: The early bird

The Meanderer

This traveler loathes the concept of a tight schedule. They usually believe travel should involve discovery and a schedule is a total buzzkill.  Meanderers often pick a place to start and let their whims take them throughout the day. Food is happened upon, vantages are discovered, and the schedule is long and relaxing. A meanderer usually winds up stopping places to ‘take it in’ and finds rest in their travels.

Pros: Offbeat finds even in tourist destinations. Relaxation built in.
Cons: Do less in more time. Might miss out on great experiences because they’re on the beaten path or need prior scheduling.
Frenemy: The Schedule Packer

The Strict Budgeter

This person plans on enjoying their trip but has no intention of dinging their savings too much. Often good at researching cheap eats, free entry attractions, and public lands and parks. Often sees accommodations as a place to sleep – not a place to enjoy. A fan of public transit or walking over rental vehicles. Not interested in high end food experiences or attractions.

Pros: You will travel and see a place without breaking the bank – leaving you moolah for more trips.
Cons: Miss out on more comfortable or convenient accommodations and transport. Potential FOMO of higher end experiences a destination is known for.
Frenemy: The Big Spender

Ultimately, what makes a great travel companion is the ability to communicate ahead of time what your expectations and limitations are on vacation. Most people are a combination of these “types’. Having that conversation early makes it much easier to accomodate each other – without it being awkward or too late to make changes.

Photography, Travel

To Big Sur

Lara joined us – and I was super excited to see her! :D We drove down to Big Sur along highway 1. California has a beautiful coast. California also has a lot of coast.  It reminded me a little bit of when we drove along the coast in Ireland, except if we’d driven this long in Ireland we’d have gone from the bottom to the top.  The first stop we made was at a beach pull off near Carmel by the Sea. The sand was really a pale warm pink and the cloud cover gave me nice even lighting.
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Photography, Travel

Up the Mountain

We flew into San Jose on Wednesday – an easy flight at 5 hours. After flying direct to Tokyo from Atlanta, a 14.5 hour flight, this feels like chump change. Because we flew across the entire continental USA, I got to see some great landscapes from the air. Check out my shots!

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San Jose

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

I’m excited to say our next trip is here already! I am looking forward to the following week of travel. We are going to see our friend David marry his fiancee Tiffany, check out San Francisco, enjoy Zac and Lara’s company, see my childhood friend Sehar, and just take a break from our day to day lives. I am so grateful for good friends, opportunities to take, and the great new photographs I am going to take.