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  • Photography

    Up Close in the Garden

    It’s finally that part of spring where it’s safe for me to start planting everything in the ground! We did loads of plantings the last couple of weeks and our hard work…

  • Photography

    Atlanta Botanical Gardens

    After a few days working from home and spending most of the day inside, I got really antsy. Thankfully I had this Friday off so Jeremy and I went to ABG. I…

  • Photography

    Rain and Blossoms

    It rained after a few weeks today. It’s supposed to be sunny for the rest of the blooming window of my “Kikuzakura” cherry blossom tree so this was my chance to take…

  • Photography

    March Florals

    My neighborhood is in total bloom!! March is such a gorgeous month in my neighborhood!! For these few weeks my walks are prettier and each day gets warmer and warmer. My neighbors…

  • Life, Photography, Travel


    The same day we hit up the Pumpkin patch, we also hit up the sunflower field nearby. We had no plans to do this prior, but when we drove by it I…

  • Photography

    Cosmos & Zinnia

    This year we built two garden beds and I filled them with Cosmos, Zinnia, and Sunflowers. The Cosmos and Zinnia flowers are from my childhood – a memory of a garden between…

  • Photography

    Orchid Daze 2020

    We bought a membership to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens for 2020!  Jeremy and I went with Nancy and Bee to check out the annual orchid extravaganaza they put on.  Orchids from all…

  • Photography


    Flowers are so pretty and I’ve got so many now! The summer’s been hot so we’ve appreciated any rain we can get in our little garden.  :)…

  • Photography, Travel

    Kyoto Day One

    Guys, Japan was amazing! I had such a different experience of it than I had imagined and I honestly can’t wait to plan a return trip. The roughest part of the journey…