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  • Life, Photography


    My favorite furpal. She’ll be 12 this go-round the sun.  May the badassery never cease!…

  • Photography


    Coming home from work, I feel a bit drained some days. But looking at this fluffy mass of complete contentedness is a relaxing activity that feels as good as a nap. :)…

  • Photography

    Carolina Anole

    Tiny. Juvenile animals are so entrancing. I touched his tiny little toes and I could barely feel them. I wonder what it was like for him to be touched by an animal…

  • General


    One of my favorite things about my trip to Ashveille was the home we stayed in. We decided, after a little deliberation, to forego the usual hotel reservation and instead try out…

  • Photography


    I went back to the Renaissance Festival this year! The last time I went I think I was either 19 or 20, back in college.  Things haven’t really changed! The characters are…

  • Photography


    Since the cold is all gone, the animals have come out in large numbers. This toad on our deck perplexed us as our deck has no access from the ground. He must…

  • Photography


    My little Manfred. He’s a very reasonable cat and I sure love him when I get to visit him at my parents home.…

  • Photography


    Val and Sam were kind enough to invite me over to do some birding in their backyard. The birds were spectacular, but Bertie was the real looker that afternoon.…