
Twenty Fourteen


I have only one resolution this year, and that is to not think of my life in ‘someday’s.  I am naturally a future planner. I am always ruminating in my head about where I want to be in 3 years and how to get there. More often my mind is walking down paths in ‘someday’ and things are getting a little ignored today. Jeremy’s been instrumental in helping keep me in today and we’ve outsourced a few things in 2013 and really focused on what is important to us. The result? Fun trips to a bunch of places, a steady incline in business, and complete post-wedding debt destruction. 2014 is looking amazing. We have some big plans for this year and together we have enough focus on our todays as well as our ‘someday’s so that they all have a chance of becoming amazing realities. Looking back, 2013 was everything I wanted it to be, and more. Marriage was a great decision. Pursuing my business again after what I considered it’s death was also a wonderful decision. I am a blessed woman. I thank God for every opportunity that came my way, every person that flowered into a beautiful relationship, and all the financial blessings that helped us help others as well as get our life someplace pleasing to God, and fulfilling for us.

13 will always be my lucky number.  :) 

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