While Jeremy and I embark on a chai adventure, these suckers decide sleeping is more interesting.

We raided our pantry. All the components for homemade chai are before you!

Jeremy fell in love with this mortar and pestle a few weeks ago while shopping. This is the first use we got out of it!

Jeremy didn’t measure anything but he did put fairly even amounts in. :)

It looks lovely already.

Look at those glorious bits of chai falling into a filter. We went a little modern with the brewing part.

This little keurig has been a super handy hot water heater. :)

Here we go, the hot water is being poured!

Here’s my wonderful kitchen scientist! Since this post was written he’s made me chai a few more times!

Letting the chai brew in the teapot for a few minutes.

This chai is almost ready! Look at that golden color!

A little half and half goes a long way with chai! I’m used to having milk or cream in my chai.

The chai is complete! The larger cup is mine and jeremy decided to keep his dairy-free. It’s great both ways.
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