While flipping through Netflix during this winter shut-in, the show Undercover Boss scrolled onto my screen. I saw one episode a few months ago at a Hilton Resort in Key Largo for the company 1-800-Flowers. The premise is that the CEO of a large company goes undercover for a week, performing the entry level jobs with the people that are the foundation of his business.
Through this process, he gains insights into how the company works at that level and what gaps they need to fill to help support their workers. Sometimes they discover a ‘bad’ worker and that person always winds up leaving the company. I mean, come on, you just got TOLD by the CEO of your company on national television. Most of the time, the CEO discovers some amazing workers and at the end of the show grants each of them some sort of extra benefit and recognition.
My favorite was a 7-11 truck driver who had immigrated from Kazakhstan. His attitude was awesome. He was thankful for everything he had and I was inspired. Check out his story:
If you haven’t checked this show out, you should. It’s a good one. The entirety of the 2010 season is on Netflix streaming.
oh goodness. This made me teary eyed!
Some amazing people are in the ranks out there. :-)