

There was a pretty sizable storm last night pummeling my windows with hail and rain. This morning, since the storm front is gone, the weather cooled off again.  Ah, Georgia weather.  So random!


I’ve noticed all the spindly little moss reaching to spread their spores everywhere.  The onset of spring is a good time to discover some of the wonderful ways the living world around us spreads during this season.


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  • Reply Ashley Abraham April 6, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Hi Sunira,
    Very beautiful pictures… very impressed…keep it up!!!

    Ashley Abraham

    • Reply Sunira April 7, 2011 at 4:53 pm

      Thanks Ashley!
      I’m working on getting a professional business page up with stuff that I do for my photography business. You’ve been an inspiration! :)

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