After many hours of travel, we are finally here in Bern, Switzerland! We are -pooped- so we’re heading to bed. I just wanted to say:
1. Swiss trains are awesome.
2. Swiss people are much nicer than online travel blogs make them out to be.
3. The only other indian I saw here was driving a taxi. Go figure (Not that I can talk, a software engineer).
4. The views are spectacular from everywhere!!!
How spectacular? This photo was taken on the train traveling quite fast during a rainy end of daylight hours.
Yeah, this is the shitty view through double paned glass with reflections from the interior lights and it was STILL AMAZING.
It’s raining here in Bern, and it’s supposed to rain again tomorrow but I’ve already fallen in love with this capital after riding a taxi through a teeny portion of it. Tomorrow – I am going to take photos of all the things!
Good night!
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