Life is actually starting to feel nice and normal. At church we’re talking about “breathing room” or essentially a nice comfort zone between where you are and your limits ( money, time, finances, relationships, etc). I am feeling like I have breathing room! I am waking up every day and pretty much thinking “yes, this is awesome”. I have breathing room at work, I never take work home, I never work on weekends anymore, I have breathing room in my business, my breathing room in my finances is now in a happy place and growing, my time is given back to me! I have enough time to hit the gym, sleep well every night, and do all things that I want to have priority in my life. I have breathing room to be financially and time-wise generous to other people! That was something I missed the most over the last year and a half. I had quit volunteering, and I had to be kind of stingy! Uggggh, that’s so not me!
It’s only January! I didn’t realize how much I missed my breathing room last year. I felt like I was suffocating half the time! It’s felt amazing so far.
Anyway, enough gushing. :p This weekend was fun. I spent a lot of time with my friends Lori, Val & Sam and Jeremy’s sister Lindsay. I went bowling (like in high school!!) and birding. :)
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