Life, Photography


Life is actually starting to feel nice and normal. At church we’re talking about “breathing room” or essentially a nice comfort zone between where you are and your limits ( money, time, finances, relationships, etc). I am feeling like I have breathing room! I am waking up every day and pretty much thinking “yes, this is awesome”. I have breathing room at work, I never take work home, I never work on weekends anymore, I have breathing room in my business, my breathing room in my finances is now in a happy place and growing, my time is given back to me! I have enough time to hit the gym, sleep well every night, and do all things that I want to have priority in my life. I have breathing room to be financially and time-wise generous to other people! That was something I missed the most over the last year and a half. I had quit volunteering, and I had to be kind of stingy! Uggggh, that’s so not me!

It’s only January! I didn’t realize how much I missed my breathing room last year. I felt like I was suffocating half the time! It’s felt amazing so far.

Anyway, enough gushing. :p This weekend was fun. I spent a lot of time with my friends Lori, Val & Sam and Jeremy’s sister Lindsay. I went bowling (like in high school!!) and birding. :)

Life sprouting up through concrete and steel. Something symbolic in here!

Life sprouting up through concrete and steel. Something symbolic in here!

The frost is on everything. I hadn't gotten up early enough to see it until Sunday!

The frost is on everything. I hadn’t gotten up early enough to see it until Sunday!

More frost lining everything.

More frost lining everything.

The cattails have exploded!

The cattails have exploded!

Pretty little moss bits on a handrail.

Pretty little moss bits on a handrail.

A tiny little graffiti under the bridge.

A tiny little graffiti under the bridge.

I stared at the rich texture of this tree bark for a while.

I stared at the rich texture of this tree bark for a while.

Streaming sunlight.. one of the best parts of the morning.

Streaming sunlight.. one of the best parts of the morning.

Val and Sam among about half the birdwatching crew.

Val and Sam among about half the birdwatching crew.

That dude's lens.. is ridiculous..and I wanted it. :p

That dude’s lens.. is ridiculous..and I wanted it. :p

A downy woodpecker?

A downy woodpecker?

The challenge of taking photos while birdwatching is that the 300mm end of your lens still isn't going to bring your subject close enough All the bird pictures in this set are heavily cropped.

The challenge of taking photos while birdwatching is that the 300mm end of your lens still isn’t going to bring your subject close enough All the bird pictures in this set are heavily cropped.

We saw a fairly uncommon purple finch.

We saw a fairly uncommon purple finch.

It was freezing and I wanted to be a dragon! :D

It was freezing and I wanted to be a dragon! :D

This is my favorite picture of the week. Hahahahha.

This is my favorite picture of the week. Hahahahha.

Only Jeremy looks cool :{

Only Jeremy looks cool :{

I'm always like a foot taller than my girlfriends but I love being the middle. :}

I’m always like a foot taller than my girlfriends but I love being the middle. :}

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