Life, Photography

Christmas Stuff

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Holiday season is in full swing around my life. We’ve been going to home after home, party after party and it’s only just begun. One of the things I like about what I consider “winter break” is sleeping in, goofing off from lunch to about 6pm and then dolling up and running off somewhere to do fun things with fun people. Also I absolutely love gifts. If you’ve ever heard of The Five Love Languages, my number one is gifts. :) I love to give to express my love as well as receive, making Christmas up there in favorite day of the year!

Check out some of my favorite knick knacks I got for myself, and from my friends and family for Christmas this year and last.

Drunken Reindeer







Another married ornament


Lovely 1st XMas Ornament



First Married Tree Home Little Green Bird

GA Tech Ornament


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