It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted here, but a few new things have happened.
After eight years of working for Macy’s, my time there has come to a close. I am now writing software at AVID Design, a firm that does design, marketing, and software development for large Health systems. It’s been two weeks since I started and it’s been a ride! Aside from the initial stress of starting any job and finding your way around, meeting whole new sets of people, and beginning to develop your reputation, I’ve liked it. Added bonus is that it’s just 4 miles from my house and Jeremy and I can still carpool.
I think the biggest adjustment is going to be the endless food laying around everywhere in my new office. It’s also been a challenge to institute a new exercise regimen. It’ll all even out over time, I’m sure.
The other new thing in my life is the Tamron 150-600mm lens. Ever since we’d began feeding the birds, I’ve wanted to capture them for myself… in a camera of course. My 70-200mm was alright for the last year but missing that extra reach really kindled my desire to get a much better telephoto lens for the job. This past week the Tamron came on super sale and I went ahead and jumped on it.
The lens is hefty and a pretty great performer. It feels very solid in the hand. It can be handheld but I went ahead and picked up a simple monopod to go along with it. After the first day of hand holding, I knew I needed the monopod to do the kind of shooting I wanted to do. The birds are much ‘closer’ now, allowing me to get very detailed images of them.

A male house finch chomping his seed.
I absolutely love it. Migrations are just around the corner and I can’t wait to take my new long distance workhorse with me to document them!

My favorite photo so far: a brown-headed nuthatch on our deck post.
Here’s a few more of the usual suspects, plus a couple of visiting mammals for good measure, all shot with this lens.
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