

Gratitude is something I strive to practice as much as possible and the practice helps keep things in perspective for me.  I want to remember these lines from today’s Zen Habits

  • When I’m feeling mad at someone, I can try to see what about them I’m grateful for.
  • When I procrastinate with a project, I can look at why I’m grateful to be able to work on that project.
  • When I get injured or sick, I can remember that I’m grateful just to be alive.
  • When I lose a good friend, I can grieve, but also be grateful for the time I had with them, and all that they gave me.
  • When something bad happens while traveling, I remember to be grateful for traveling at all, and that these challenges are what make the travel an adventure.
  • When someone doesn’t like what I do, and criticizes me, I can be grateful they care enough to even pay attention. Attention is a gift.

From: http://zenhabits.net/gratefully/

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