Tell the Wolves I'm Home

Tell the Wolves I’m Home

Tell the Wolves I'm HomeIf I’m a hundred percent honest with you, I’d tell you I don’t read much. Books were something I enjoyed in my youth until schooling and expectations turned books into these heavy things that carried your future. They were not fun and they were a means to an end, always. The joy of books seeped out of me slowly, all through high school and college and as I used them to only hone my skills in other fields after graduation.

But the truth is, books are pretty amazing. They can carry entire stories and place them in your soul like no television series, or movie, or even some life experiences can. And I was reminded when, on a whim, I decided to buy a copy of Tell the Wolves I’m Home. I even remember the moment. I was walking through Target. Unlike most stores, in Target I meander in the aisles for no reason at all. The style of the items they tend to sell just resonates with me. As I was walking around with pillows, throws, shower curtains, and decorative doo-dads swimming around in my eyes, I saw this book on a shelf.

I’m not sure what was so eye-catching about it, or why I had to buy a copy when I got home, but I did.

The general story is that June, a 14 year old girl, loves her uncle Finn, who soon passes from AIDS. She is then approached and befriended by a man her family hates for what he “did” to Finn, and their family. The story follows as everyone begins to face their own demons and become keenly aware of the demons living in the others. After I had read this book I felt like I had just finished opening a Pandora’s box for emotion. It was all so sad but so deeply uplifting at the same time.

I really connected with June, the main character of the book. The way it was written, it was like Brunt reached out and pulled some of the words from my heart and pasted it on the pages.

Here are some of my favorite quotes, pulled from both my personal Kindle highlights and GoodReads by Carol Rifka Brunt from Tell the Wolves I’m Home:

“You can build a whole world around the tiniest of touches.”

“I was in a place where nobody knew my heart even a little bit.”

“I felt like I had proof that not all days are the same length, not all time has the same weight. Proof that there are worlds and worlds and worlds on top of worlds, if you want them to be there.”

“I knew the way lost hopes could be dangerous, how they could turn a person into someone they never thought they’d be.”

“I thought how that was wrong and terrible and beautiful all at the same time.”

“I thought of trying to catch her eye, so she’d know I understood what she’d done, but I decided not to. Everyone needs to think they have secrets.”

“The kinds of things I want don’t cost money.”

I highly recommend this book. I don’t think I have felt this way about a novel since I read Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.

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