
Beaching It

We went to Savannah to celebrate our friend Moe’s 31st birthday.  We hit the beach the 2nd day we were there. Good times.


My friend Paz, on the reeds. He’s looking at the ground because it’s full of spiny seeds that love sticking to your feet.

Further down the dune was an old tree and Ami and I wrote my name in shells.


We wrote hers in the sand.


I’m thinking of framing this one and giving it to her. It’s so cute! So… these seagulls decided to come and fly in our faces and Ami put on her hood and decided to be scary. This picture is hilarious only because scaring away birds involved putting on a hood.


Ami, Sidd and I… check out my dude shorts. LOL.


I wish I had more pictures of Moe and Samina but then went off on a romantic stroll.

There was a St. Pats day parade on Tybee’s main street but we were way too lazy to get off the beach and go see it even though it was like a 3 minute walk from where we were. Moe and Samina apparently found themselves there and Moe got a citation:


I thought that ticket was hilarious.

I also promptly dropped my camera in the parking lot of the restaurant and shattered my 50mm prime (for the damned 5th time). I’ve pretty much vowed to never buy another plastic mount lens again. What a waste.  Only solid lenses from here on out. I wish I could never drop my camera but having it out all the time makes it really hard to never let it slip.

Trip details are in my personal blog but believe me when I say it was totally full of old fun and new experiences.

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  • Reply Sana March 20, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    wish i was there too! looks like mucho fun.

    • Reply Sunira March 21, 2011 at 9:56 am

      :) We had a lot of fun. Sorry I missed you this weekend!
      If you can give me a day or two notice if you’re coming so I can plan to hang out!! :)

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