I kinda got into Trance music at my first job at an IT firm back in 2004. I had fired up Yahoo radio for the eleventy millionth time and just out of curiosity chose the eurodance station. One extreme coding session and four hours later, I was totally hooked. So now I listen to classic rock, the radio, single piano and trance music. I think I can truly claim to have ‘unique’ musical taste. Here are a few of my favorites.
The first one isn’t quite trance, but it has a similar feel.
Got a favorite playlist to work to, play to, or just relax?
I just listened to the second to last one. It sounds like something you would hear in a store in the mall, to me. I like to have movies or tv shows I like playing in the background when I’m working at home on something. For music, I like a variety, and I’ll play whatever I’m into at the time over and over again until I need something new to add to my music library.
The music is usually played in lounges and clubs. I like it because you can either sit around and listen or get up and dance. Or totally ignore it and chat with your friends. The kind of undulating pulse underneath it all is kind of soothing for me too. I don’t really ever turn the TV on unless I’m playing a console game, or my friends are over to watch a basketball game or something.
I do listen to the same song repeatedly if I love it though. Until I hate it. And then don’t listen to it for like six months.. and then ‘rediscover’ it. :)