

The snow today was absolutely amazing. It totally blew me away how beautiful it was. I don’t get to see snow often and when I do it’s mild flurries that melt away. Never has it looked so beautiful, powdery and graceful as it fell. So soft were the tufts of snow on everything this evening. I was inspired and went out with my half-working camera to take some shots.

February 2010 Snowstorm-3

February 2010 Snowstorm-17

February 2010 Snowstorm-12

February 2010 Snowstorm-7 

The experience was entirely unreal for me.

February 2010 Snowstorm-22 

You can tell I�m happy. :-)

February 2010 Snowstorm-13

I�ll never forget today! See the rest of the photos here:

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