It’s been a long time coming, but I finally went ahead and bought some extra flash guns. The cool part is that these are completely radio controlled. I love the dramatic light I can produce now and really look forward to using my new off camera techniques at my upcoming weddings! They’ll get plenty of use as I have three weddings to shoot between two weekends right after we return from New York.
I still have plenty to learn but I am thrilled with all the new light possibilities that have opened up to me. This is the first real photograph I set up with the external flash directly shooting at this old Kodak I have in some shelves. The detail in the shadows is because the flash on the body also fired. I went pixel peeping and there was nary a grain on the photo. Normally I’d be firing and bouncing off a wall to the left or right to get a similar effect but have to shoot at something like ISO 400 to make sure I got the exposure I wanted.
Anyway I’m really excited!
Photograph taken with 2x Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT
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