I love painting.
I love small things.
So I’m painting on small things. Go figure.
I found these beautiful little canvasses at Hobby Lobby along with something known as ‘Artist Cards’. They’re pretty much small cards made of different mediums for different art. They’re 2 x 3 inches and really cute so I had to buy them.
Here are the results of the first canvas, and artist card I’ve painted in the set I’ve bought.
Okay.. fyi.. “tree” and “simple shape” just did not register in my mind. Might redo that one.
The poppies turned out better than I expected. I may not part with this one.
It was totally fun and I’m hoping to show it to a couple people and see if it’s good enough to drop into my etsy store. The store’s been dry as a bone lately since I haven’t put anything new up or relisted any of my other stuff.
It also rained… which means I was out, as usual, obsessing over my water photography.
And then I bugged my cat with unnecessary flash in his face while he was trying to sleep.
Aw what a cute bundle of .. cute
Basically, this was my art dose for the week. I’m pretty much tied up with work, business, and things like taking a bath probably until next Monday.
And I have to think more seriously about grad school. I’m not getting any younger.
It just never ends.
I’ll leave this song I used to love back towards the end of middle school. I listen to it when I get a little overwhelmed with everything. :)
1 Comment
fun! I really like the kitty picture and the poppies painting. Very pretty. =)