A good wallpaper needs to be attractive as well as have ample icon space. Almost all my photos are “wallpaper” size but very few I consider to be wallpaper-worthy. This pink orchid…
We got some much needed rain down here. I was at the point of watering my plants two times a day to keep them from drying up. The hibiscus plant my mom…
If nothing else, the greenery is great for some epic bokeh. Taken with just the stock 18-55. What an amazing lens for it being just kit. The image is wallpaper size.…
Very nice chopsticks for being disposable. Taken at STEEL in Midtown. Click to download full 1920 x 1200 wallpaper…
Plenty of space for icons and pleasant bokeh. :) Click image to download at 1920 x 1200…
Any good software engineer knows the benefits of coffee on the early morning brain. In honor of this drink I have made some fun typographic wallpapers. :) If you get the reference…
So you know I have a mild obsession with macro photography. Okay.. not so mild. So I got to taking out my one potted plant and an old pair of earrings and…
Okay, so I love fractal art. I’ve loved it since I was in high school and I would look at the fractal art ticky-tack’d to the painted cement walls above the chalkboard.…
I’ve been away from the art of photomanipulation for years. Sure, I dabbled in it when doing bits for my web designs.. but those were just basic and used mostly for creating…