You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel. Johnny Depp…
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Every now and again I’ll come across a quote that resonates with me and I’ll have to mix it with one of my images to print and put on my cube wall…
“All it takes is imagination and a little silence to make the world a better place.” – Meet the Robinsons…
Just a fun inspirational quote for today. It’s wallpaper sized if you download it.…
Triple whammy today. You all get a Friday Finds, a wallpaper & some photography! Lucky you. :) This is one of the funnier quotes I have heard before. Multiple sources were quoted…
I made a random wallpaper for fun with one of my favorite quotes. I like making art meaningful. How do you interpret the image? Resources: here, here and here.…