I had thought I’d formatted this SD Card with all the photos on it but I had just been absentminded and swapped out a clean one and forgotten. I love the Atlanta…
It’s been raining a lot recently. This winter has been a wet one! Raindrops make ordinary things beautiful. I took a moment while a client was changing two weekends ago to shoot…
Everything we planted on our deck is blooming! On top of that, we got a hose with a mist setting. You know what that means.Mist on everything! And then : rampant photography.…
I spent a little time this morning in historic Duluth. Jeremy and I met some long time tweeps, checked out an eight week oil painters class, and just enjoyed a quiet morning…
The life in my favorite park has been mostly snuffed out by a diminishing number of sunlight hours and bursts of Georgia cold. Still, I seem to be able to find a cold kind…
I’ve started to take a look around my house again. I didn’t have space in my brain to continue to do the things required for home improvement for the past year but…
I’m enjoying the fall colors. I always do. And this year, after my inital allergy attack on return from my trip, I haven’t had any attacks since. Lets hope this stays that…
I’ve heard a lot of ‘do it daily’ opinions across the blogs I read lately. Essentially, the challenge is to produce something of quality to push your talent and skill forward incrementally…
Seasons aren’t so well defined here in the southeast. I find myself looking at a photo and not knowing when I took it without looking at the date taken. This one was…