I’ve taken to making wallpapers again. Jeremy was very generous to me this Christmas and bought me a Macbook Pro! It’s changing the way I choose to do web development and greatly…
I think about concerts for weeks in advance. I love imagining what I’m going to do, how I’ll dance, what I’ll wear, and of course, how I’ll sneak a decent camera into…
Life’s SO DAMN FULL that I wish I had a time machine! Or a clone! But today I have just a wallpaper to remind myself how awesome all this is. You can…
I was especially inspired by Ron Swanson today. Enjoy this wallpaper! It’s on my desktop. :)…
Every now and again I’ll come across a quote that resonates with me and I’ll have to mix it with one of my images to print and put on my cube wall…
Just a fun inspirational quote for today. It’s wallpaper sized if you download it.…
Triple whammy today. You all get a Friday Finds, a wallpaper & some photography! Lucky you. :) This is one of the funnier quotes I have heard before. Multiple sources were quoted…
For a while I had a mild obsession with rainbows and glitter in fun photography. This is one of my more popular wallpapers on deviantart running at just under 43,000 downloads so…