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  • Photography


    The weather has been indecisive this past week. It was freezing Monday and then mid-week and today it was like 70 degrees outside.  It’s alright, it keeps life down here interesting. :)…

  • Photography


    Went for a walk and got the sunlight filtering through the leaves. :)…

  • Photography


    I had a lot of fun yesterday editing all these photos for a display I plan on making in the future.  The flowers were in a bush off Canton St. in Roswell.…

  • Photography

    Distant Lights

    After last fall, I’m not entirely sure which of the transition seasons is my favorite.  I think that Spring wins only because it is a herald for summer.  Winter is my least…

  • Photography

    That Feeling

    That feeling when every photo you take has some sort of technical or style deficiency. That moment when you tell yourself to shut the hell up, enjoy the damn view and have a…

  • Photography

    The Letter

    Do you ever feel nature is reaching out and trying to talk to you? No, not after you have some E. I found this leaf curled into this beautiful cursive S, just…

  • Photography


    I have no idea what these are but Jeremy and I found some on one of our walks and spent some time trying to photograph it. Jeremy’s trying to use his phone.…